This class is held at East West Books & Gifts. Address is 110 3rd Ave. N. Edmonds, WA 98020
Join us for "Learn to Meditate," led by Ananda Meditation Teacher Sita Tocco. Sita has maintained a daily meditation practice for nearly a decade and has been sharing her knowledge since 2016.
September 3: Increase Your Ability to Concentrate!
October 1: Raise Your Sense of Energy and Vitality!
November 5: Find Your Well-Spring of Inner Peace!
December 3: Establish a Life of Meditation!
Meditation is for everyone. It requires no belief system. Study after study has shown the multiple benefits of meditation on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It also it the most direct and time-honored tradition of establishing a personal perception or experience of transcendent realities whether approached devotionally, metaphysically, or energetically.