What is Reiki and how can it help? Reiki is an ancient healing art which has been said to date back far beyond the documented beginnings with Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s. REIKI comes from the Japanese word meaning Universal-Life-Force-Energy. It was used predominantly in the Eastern Hemisphere and even by doctors as well having healed tumors without surgery. Today, Reiki and other energy work is recognized and used worldwide as a safe alternative for ailments.
We, as with everything in existence are made of energy, with humans having 4 energy bodies comprised of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. When one or more of these bodies is out of balance, it can create many forms of discomfort or dis-ease. This can be triggered from traumatic events, toxins from foods, water, air, negative thoughts, stress, etc. Over time, repetitive patterns can weaken the energy bodies causing tears and/or fissures in the auric field making one more susceptible to illnesses including depression, anxiety, dementia, cancer, etc.
The Universal Life Force Energy is used during a Reiki session whereby the Reiki practitioner channels “Unconditional Love” to the recipient. The Higher Selves of both the practitioner and the recipient as well as Angelic guides work in unison creating a healing effect. And as most have heard before, LOVE heals everything.
As each person is unique, so too are the experiences however, everyone benefits from a deep sense of peace and each session builds upon the other. Each and every being (humans and animals) can benefit from this Divine energy.
Who is SKY? My given name is Staci and my initials from birth are SKY, which I had thought of using professionally someday. I started using the name SKY as an artist and even infused the Reiki energy into my paintings.
My interest in healing began several years ago where I had been told from an aura reading, and by my own astrological chart that I was a healer. In 2010, upon visiting a friend in Australia, I found myself intrigued when discovering this energy work called Reiki and the healing potential. That same year, the Universe paved the way for me as I went through the training and achieved Mastery in 2011. I primarily used it on friends and family. Then in 2017, I felt a calling to provide the service on a broader scale to benefit the masses.
I have had a strong passion to help others for many decades to achieve their highest and best potential and I enjoy providing the Reiki service as well as sharing the wisdom I’ve learned over the years.
As a recipient of energy work myself, I personally found myself resisting to let go of some energy upon the first few sessions and went through a brief healing crisis. By the 3rd visit, I felt this deep unconditional love and was compelled to send text messages to all my friends and family expressing my love for them.
As the practitioner, I strive to give my best by first doing my part, keeping my energy channels clear as well as my body, mind and soul free of pollutants and toxins. Being “present” during the process is essential as well. In addition, I choose music of higher vibrations to assist in the healing process and quieting the mind. I take pride in my work providing my very best and keeping my costs low as well as offering discounts on future sessions and referrals.
I would be truly honored to work with you and assist in restoring the energy bodies back to wholeness and wellbeing.
Staci aka Sky gives private Reiki sessions at East West Bookstore two Fridays a month, from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm. $60.00 an hour. To book an appointment, call the store at 206.523.3726.
Call East West Bookshop at 206-523-3726 or 1-800-587-6002 for available appointments.