Online Events

May 15th, 2024 - Wednesday 5-7 pm PDT - How to Achieve Enlightenment - Gary Renard and Cindy Lora-Renard - Webinar

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This class will cover the meaning of enlightenment as discussed in A Course in Miracles and how to achieve it. There are necessary steps to take to reach the real world, which is the world that one experiences while enlightened, just before one makes his or her transition to the natural state of Spirit. We will explore the three specific tools that aid in the undoing of the ego, which is driven by the guilt in the unconscious mind over the perceived sense of separation from God. Students will learn how to truly live the principles of A Course in Miracles in such a way that will aid in letting grievances and judgments go, and be free from the effects of the belief in separation. Please join us in celebrating the fact that in truth we are already home in God, but also learning to be a happy learner while we awaken to God, which is part of an enlightened attitude.


- Learn the three processes that undo the ego, which leads to enlightenment.
- Learn how to be at peace regardless of circumstances, coming from a place of cause instead of being at the effect of the world.
- Practical tools and exercises will be given to aid students in the development of their ability to hear the Holy Spirit and trust in Him as your teacher instead of the ego.
- A thorough discussion of what it means to be enlightened and some of the qualities of an enlightened master such as Jesus will also be shared.


Gary R. Renard and Cindy Lora-Renard are authors and international speakers on A Course in Miracles. Gary is the best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, Love Has Forgotten No One, and The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other. His books are now in over 22 languages and growing. Cindy is a Spiritual Life Coach with a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology, and the author of A Course in Health and Well-Being, now in 6 languages, and the best-selling books, The Business of Forgiveness and Heaven Is Now and newly released, Spiritual Coupling: A Guidebook for Experiencing a Holy Relationship. Together, Cindy and Gary teach online classes on the Course every month. They also travel the world, introducing the Course to many different countries.