Online Events

May 25, 2024 - 10-12 PM PT - Realization Process: Practices for Embodied Nondual Awakening - With Judith Blackstone - Online

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Judith Blackstone will teach the practices from her new book, The Fullness of the Ground: Practices for Embodied Awakening. These gentle attunements can help you experience the wholeness, steadiness, depth, fluidity, and subtlety of nondual realization. She will teach ways to stabilize in your attunement to fundamental consciousness in your daily life. As taught in the Realization Process, nondual realization has a profound effect on your senses, your breath, your experience of your own authentic existence, your relationships, and your ability to love. You mature as an individual as you transcend your individuality to experience oneness with everyone and everything around you. You are both empty and present, at the same time. Judith is the founder of the Realization Process.


• Uncover your individual wholeness and your oneness with the world around you.
• Experience the undivided, unbreakable ground of your being.
• Deepen contact with yourself and your environment.
• Disentangle from your experience without detaching from it.


Judith Blackstone, PhD, is the founder of the Realization Process, a method of embodied psychological and relational healing and nondual spiritual awakening. She teaches workshops and teacher certification trainings throughout the United States and online. She is the author of several books, including The Fullness of the Ground: A Guide to Embodied Awakening; Trauma and the Unbound Body: the Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness; The Enlightenment Process; Belonging Here: a Guide for the Spiritually Sensitive Person; and The Empathic Ground.